Posted by Richard on 10th Mar 2017
I’ve always
had a fascination for movies. It all started when my RE teacher in school spent
most of our lessons showing us Religious epics and other such documentaries and
dramas. One film which st
Posted by Richard on 29th Jan 2017
Lend for Lent
Lent is an important time of the year. A time to reflect, remember and repent. It's a time for many to abstain and fast as a way of remembering Christ's temptation in the wilderness. But this year, ho
Posted by Richard on 29th Dec 2016
Reading back, Reading forward
It may surprise you to know that prior to us opening our own bookshop, I didn't actually read many books! In fact, when I was younger, I didn't like books at all! My complete transformation I may save
Posted by Richard on 17th May 2016
Upstairs Downstairs
So, as many of you know, in 2014 my wife Julie and myself opened up two very different businesses at 73 Belmont Road in East Belfast. On the ground floor was 'Well Made'- a shop filled with some amazi